Tuesday, September 05, 2006

dansu dansu fait-o GO!

watercolors are really fun! even the cheap $5 RoseArt kits. i never knew! i thought they were for the elderly, bearded, maybe cat-smelling gentry. UNTRUTH; watercolors are for fun hip types, be cool!

was trying to capture catherine deneuve at her peak (les parapluies de cherbourg, obviously). s'not bad, i was just going for something different. must get better at watercolors!

also: must get better at gross tablet won for cheap on ebay.

also, stop buying things on ebay.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

lord cornbury, a spendthrift and vain fool!

why did british politicians back in colonial north america all have ridiculous names? constable edward jackintonianston! sir richard wingerburgerwinnerdinger! not to mention the extraordinarily high number of names involving "corn" as either a suffix or prefix. it's just not classy. also my history book is really strange, like an extremely left-wing conservative. i can't decide whether to antagonize over it or make fun of its hippie patchouli smell. conflicting!

love of my life (week): adam green. why did no one tell me about his really excellent baritone, i am a 1920's gangster here to kill you voice distorted with lo-fi decadence and charmingly harmless boy scout looks? it's brilliant, i know who i am going to marry now!

Friday, June 30, 2006

la dolce vita, un mistero!

today i saw a shirt that said "WHO THE [unkind expletive] ARE DOLCE & GABBANA?" and right below it there was the same text translated to italian.

i tried to remember the italian just by looking at it real hard, but now i can't remember and i'm really upset!

is that even grammatically correct? who are?